Saturday, 23 May 2020

Bitcoin 9 Temple Team in Second Life

Join me in my private house in Second Life  Region: Twitchworthy Land Sabia(63,161,73)
We will talk about Bitcoins and have fun after that. I've discovered for you very fantastic world to change your mind and have fun. Particulary one place where you'll can fly

 and have a horse ride after 

or just land in March!

All that is possible in Second Life. And I don't talk about many concert places and other places where you can earn some Linden Dollars (L$  rate 5000 L$ = $ 20 USD) in the game. The Linden Dollar was the very first cryptocurrencie, borned far before the Bitcoin. At the begining of Second Life I had an account my pseudo was: Sabia Kazan.
I kept this pseudo for my twitter account. But unfortunatly I lost all my IDs from my first account. Now all is ok I've got a rebirth in Second Life and I am resident now before was homeless on the game! My new pseudo is: SabiaLunaBitcoin and I've got elfies hears, robotics boots, totally crazy about these boots!

 some wings sometimes! 

click on images to get to my Second Life blog then you will find a link to join me inside the game. See you soon!

 #staysafe #stayhome #stayvirtual